Medicine Lodge, Kansas's Locally Owned And Operated Newspaper

Opinion / Religion - July 29, 2024

Part 1 - Mark 12:41 and Luke 21. Once, when JESUS was walking upon a small spot of earth like most of us move about in, and was breathing air like all of us surviving birth, He and some of His disciples were at the Temple in Jerusalem standing in the Women’s court where Gentiles could not go and women could go no further than. It was there that 13 conical receptacles, resembling megaphones or trumpets, each fed coins like funnels into chests receiving offerings. Even when coins were just routinely dropped in, they couldn’t help but make some noise. But when coins were thrown in like Mark 12:41 mentions, well you can imagine great racket. The more coins, the more pompous cankling. Of course, only the thrower knew what his coins were worth. The listeners/lookers assume the well-to-do are making a generous gift by the volume and length of the noise. “Aren’t we lucky to have these elite?” Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the denomination of coins and the givers’ hearts...

Kiowa Southern
Baptist Church

7th and Main
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Worship Time 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday Night 7:00 p.m. - Study of Revalation
AWANA 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Phone 620-825-4512 Brian Neilson - Pastor 208-392-7536

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